Information for antique dealers, museums, documentation centers

This page is aimed at people searching the Web for "Cansinos Assens manuscript" or other related searches.

If you are an antiquarian, belong to a documentation center, a museum or a similar institution you should know the following:

•   There are no unpublished manuscripts of Rafael Cansinos Assens on the market, understanding such works of creation of any number of pages. All existing manuscripts are held by the Rafael-Cansinos Assens Foundation-Archive. The writer's family has never donated, given away or sold documentation from the writer's Archive. There are only two exceptions in Buenos Aires and they are perfectly known by the Foundation and the writer's family. The circumstances surrounding these exceptions have a coherent explanation.
•    In the market may appear, by rare case, very rare case, the manuscript of some work published in life by the author, because any printer or publisher will keep it. The Foundation has never been aware of the appearance of a manuscript of these characteristics, but it could appear. The best way to know its authenticity is to contact the Foundation.
•   In the market can not appear letters addressed to Rafael Cansinos Assens because these letters are kept by the Foundation-Arca.
•   In the market letters written by Rafael Cansinos Assens may appear and appear either because the receiver (owner of the same) or his heirs have decided to sell it. Remember that this case must differentiate the owner of the document of the rightful claimant, which is the family of the writer.

If you are aware of any manuscript of Rafael Cansinos Assens, or of an epistolary, whose origin you suspect is not legitimate, we ask you to contact the Fundation.